Broadcast & Media Technology Market Sizing Research and Analysis

Aggregate Media Technology Sector Revenue set to Decline by 4% in 2023, says New Devoncroft Report

Although the total market for media technology products and services increased by approximately 1% in 2022, we anticipate that aggregate 2023 sector revenue declined by just over 4%, reflecting softness in several geographies and market segments.

The outlook for the sector in 2024 is mixed.

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About The Devoncroft Broadcast Media Technology Report

Comprehensive Broadcast and Media Technology Market Sizing and Forecasting

The Devoncroft Market Sizing Report is widely recognized as the most authoritative market-sizing and forecasting report in the media technology, broadcast and digital media industries.

It is the only Report where broadcast industry suppliers come together in a collaborative partnership, under a mutually-agreed framework of strict confidentiality, to share their revenue data, future forecasts, and detailed information on what drives their businesses.

Having authored media technology market sizing reports for more than a decade, Devoncroft is considered by many to be the definitive source for broadcast and media technology market sizing, analysis, and insight. 

We have developed and continually refined a bottom-up data model that encompasses nearly 4,000 companies,  ranging from large service providers and technology vendors to small start-up businesses just breaking into the industry; and draws on actual and future projected revenue and product shipment data supplied to us by media technology vendors and service providers under a collaborative data sharing framework and governed by strict confidentiality. 

Devoncroft augment supplier-provided revenue figures through a variety of methods, including interviews with hundreds of industry insiders (broadcasers, media companies, sports leagues, teams and federations, media service providers, technology suppliers), publicly available information, and exhaustive research into each industry segment, sub-segment, and product category.

This exhaustive approach allows us to profile, segment, and count sell-out revenue of media technology supplier and service providers globally, to create and deliver actionable insights and authoritative market sizing figures that are essential tools for executive decision-makers in the media technology sector.

The Devoncroft Report that provides a comprehensive overview of the media technology sector, including provides market sizing and analysis for more than 250 product and service categories grouped across nine high-level segments and thirty-one sub-segments.